
In addition to it’s core night, WORD! has an expanding portfolio of literature based projects - delivered independently, or in association with others. Read on for more information...

Their souls, plimsolls and the future.
You olduns’ out there, what shoes did you wear?
Was it slippers and suedes, leathers and waders as you relished your wealth at the cost of the poor who suffered the stealth of your exploitation?
With your feet raised and your head buried in the sands of this fascist nation.
Or did you raise your fist in salute while you put on your boots to fight for the working man.
How low did you go in sandals or stiletto, it’s too late, for your sake, to change your footwear or pretend to care.
Or take the left from the rights’ or the socks and the tights or the stockings and the lockins that formed this cosy country of oppression.

But, the young ones, you have a choice and a voice, though you have to walk or talk in the same shoes or the flip flops of the drops that fall from their table.
To follow in the foot prints of the sprints that they never made on your behalf,
But the heels you might wear can make you care, can make you stable to change the world.
If you wish to remove the inner soles from your shoes and fight for your rights,
To don the boots of war or choose the suits that floors the doors of parliament.
Then you‘ll have my support, be it a bridge or a sole or a heel or a hole or the scuffed up toes of a trainer.
Yes, you’ll have my support.
For the past is Faulkner, for that to be sure, was a perfect fit, for a perfect mould, for the footwear that was sold to the slick people of that time.
But, the future is most definitely yours.

Tim Bombdog. 26.5.14

Sole2Soul is funded by Arts Council England and commissioned by Leicester County Council. It is one of six project commissions for an umbrella project entitled